Cuisinart Food Processor

Homemade Baby Food To Save Money With Cuisinart Food Processor


When I got pregnant for the second time, I was a little nervous because kids are definitely expensive. When I found out I was having twins, I nearly had a meltdown. I had no idea how we were going to make that work.

I had to keep a level head, and figure something out. We had a bit of time to come up with some ideas, after all. I got started with reading some parenting blogs to learn some hacks for saving money with multiple children.

There were a lot of things that I expected to see, like cloth diapers and hand me downs from friends and family. One thing that I didn’t think of was making our own baby food once they were trying solids. The idea hadn’t remotely crossed my mind.

I was excited to try it out, and since I already had a toddler, I would let her be the one to test out whatever creations I came up with. I was loving this idea. Not only would it be more cost effective, but I also knew every last ingredient that was going into their food.

The easiest way to make this all happen would be to purchase a Cuisinart DFP-14BCWNY Food Processor. I spoke with one of my mom friends who also makes her own food, and she recommended I purchase it from KitchenWorksInc. She didn’t have to tell me twice.

In the meantime, I took an interest in learning about other things that I could do with my new toy. The possibilities basically seemed endless. I was so surprised and also a little bummed that I hadn’t purchased one of these sooner.

Fast forward to when the twins are starting solid foods. Making their food worked amazingly. I was able to make big batches of different things and freeze them. Not to mention, it made it so much easier to sneak in the veggies they didn’t like with their favorite fruits to mask the taste. That was a total win.

As they got bigger and could eat things with more texture, we continued to use the food processor, we just weren’t fully pureeing things anymore. It’s been great for all stages. Now we have a weekend tradition of making ice cream with it too. Of course, the kids love that.

Back to the main goal of saving us money: it really worked. I did a rough estimate of what baby food costs versus the price of fresh fruit and veggies and I was astounded. I definitely credit that to being able to make batches and freeze it. It made so much more sense than buying a ton of jars or those pouches that can get really expensive.

I belong to a few parents’ groups now, and I always recommend this idea to new parents. It’s especially great because we’ve continued to use it to make so many other things, which still saves us money. Plus, it’s a way to teach our kids how to make healthy decisions rather than going out and buying processed things. I’m so glad we made the switch!

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