My Voice

How Music Helped Me Find My Voice


When I was growing up, my dad was obsessed with music. He was in a band and would play guitar every day after work. My sister and I would sit on the couch while he played and sing along with him. It wasn’t until later that I realized this was not normal behavior in other families, at least not the ones that lived down the street from us.

We often play old music trivia questions together, and it’s clear that we have a very different musical vocabulary. I’m not really sure how that happened; maybe it was because he wanted us to sing, but I don’t think so.

But our family didn’t care. We loved music so much that we created our little musical universe where we all lived together in harmony, dreaming about singing onstage one day and listening to records for hours at night before bedtime.

Music has always been a part of my life.

As someone who has been singing and playing music since childhood, I can’t even remember when we didn’t have a piano or guitar in our house. When I was five years old, I started taking lessons on the piano; by age eight, I had decided that playing the violin would be more fun than practicing scales (though less practical).

My mother got me an electric guitar for my twelfth birthday, and it quickly became my favorite instrument to play. Then came college: along with singing in choirs and orchestras all four years of high school and college (and beyond), other musical pursuits included performing jazz standards at open mics around town and jamming with friends from various bands. In short: music is part of my DNA.

But lately, there’s been something missing from my life, something entirely self-inflicted: silence.

There’s a song for everything.

There’s a song for everything. A piece that makes you feel connected to the universe, a song that makes you feel like you’ve finally found your people, a song that helps you recover from heartbreak or trauma. Music is a universal language and can help us express ourselves in ways we may not have known were possible before we discovered its many wonders.

I can identify difficult periods of my life through the music I listen to

The music you listen to can help you understand your past, present, and future. It can also help you identify your emotions and feelings. In addition, it can also help you understand other people’s feelings.

Music builds a community.

One of the most beautiful things about music is its universal language.

While growing up, I was always surrounded by music, and as a result, I’ve developed a deep appreciation for all types of artists and genres. It doesn’t matter what kind of music you like or play; this passion can be something we all have in common.

Music can also bring together people who love it through events like concerts or festivals. These gatherings allow people with similar tastes in music to gather together and bond over their shared interests with others who feel just as strongly about these things.

You can have a beautiful relationship with music, just like I do

Music can be a source of comfort. It can be a source of inspiration, connection, and joy. It can also be used as healing and motivation. We all have different experiences with music, but it comes down to the fact that we need music in our lives because it helps us express ourselves and make sense of the world around us, and sometimes even find our voices.

It’s easy to say, “music helped me find my voice,” because I’ve been surrounded by it since I was young (not literally). Growing up with parents who regularly played their favorite bands on vinyl records or cassettes meant I grew up listening to classic rock like The Beatles and Led Zeppelin (my favorite band). But when I got older, I fell in love with alternative rock bands like Radiohead, Foo Fighters, and Incubus, and discovered how fun electronic music could be.

Music helps define who you are as an individual; it gives you something unique about yourself that no one else has. When someone asks me what kind of music I like today, they’ll most likely get an answer similar (but not relatively) to what their friend wants: pop/country/rock/electronic, etc… If someone asked me where does your favorite song come from? Well….it comes from inside myself.

I hope my story and advice will encourage you to listen to the music that speaks to you. Music is a powerful tool for uncovering your voice, so don’t be afraid to explore how it can help you express yourself.

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