Youth Basketball Practice

How to Create a Youth Basketball Practice Plan


Coaching young basketball might be one of the most fun and rewarding occupations one can have. Coaches get to educate young kids on how to play basketball (some usually use a basketball hoop rebounder) and life principles that will last a lifetime.

Consider your team’s objectives, alternate skill development activities, coaching philosophy, encouraging hustle, and concentrating on the basics but not pointing out every mistake when planning a kids’ basketball practice. Winning at a young age should not dictate coaching choices.

Few things in life allow you to leave a lasting effect on young children. Basketball is a hit among kids as it is a way of life for many youngsters. They like learning, playing, and watching it. Here’s how to keep their basketball enthusiasm going.

How Do You Develop a Practice Plan?

Making a practice plan can help you build a framework. This saves time while switching to drills. Practices will flow more easily if your players gain a sense of how they’re arranged. The practice plan should include all of this, from particular workouts with coaching points to arrange water breaks.

The team’s skill and level should be considered while selecting practice length. Less than 60 minutes of practice for beginners. Intermediate players should practice for 90 minutes, and advanced players for 120.

To increase player effort without causing burnout, coaches should follow these rules. Coaches should encourage students to take part in several sports. Remember that youngsters have other commitments while deciding on the duration of your practice session.

Try not to overwork your players by scheduling practices accordingly.

Start with a Team Building Conversation

To start practice, coaches should speak about a value or attribute that the program wants each player to possess.

Encourage the players to discuss why a team succeeds. A terrific opportunity to offer valuable lessons that coincide with your coaching (or development!) mindset.

Depending on the squad and player characteristics, the coach may lead or let the players lead the discourse. Talking about stretching while stretching works wonderfully.

Have A Dynamic Warmup

The goal of a youth basketball warmup is to get the youngsters ready for practice while also teaching them new skills.

While coaches may neglect warm-ups and expect players to be ready to play, warmups may be a tremendous learning opportunity for players while also reducing the risk of sustaining an injury.

A good warmup sets a precedent for how much work you’ll put into your practice session. During warmups, encourage your players to work hard with a rebounding net basketball, which should begin at the beginning of practice.

Skill Development

The development of skills is the most significant aspect of a young practice. Ball handling, passing, shooting, and footwork are part of childhood skill development. Youth practice should be physically demanding and focused on generating a game-like environment throughout this section.

Coaching points identified during preparing the practice plan should be emphasized by the coaches. This stage of practice causes the most frequent correction of errors by the players.

Work on Defense; No Zone!

A defensive session should be included in every practice schedule. Man-to-man defense is an essential skill for young players to master.

Many coaches spend a lot of practice time teaching their players how to play zone defense, particularly at the young level. For winning kids’ basketball games and competitions, zone defense is definitely the best bet. Youth sports should always be focused on skill development. Man-to-man defense is a vital skill for any basketball player.

When a player moves up to a more competitive level, it is difficult to alter the poor habits that have been formed through zone defense. The principles of man-to-man defense can apply to any type of defense, so young players must learn about them early in their careers.

Teach Offensive Concepts

Motion offensive fundamentals are critical for young players. Avoid recurrences of the same offense or play. You shouldn’t merely go through the motions when you play a game; instead, learn how to play it thoroughly and effectively.

Coaches should teach their players new offensive moves to use while on the attack. In the short term, it may seem disorderly. Still, coaches will notice development on offense as players get used to the new environment.

When you’re just starting out, it’s crucial to build your confidence and basketball IQ.

End with Competitive Games

Every practice session should conclude with a competitive game. Divide the teams and provide a penalty to the team that has lost. Youth sports are primarily about having fun, but coaches and parents must also foster a sense of competition in their athletes.

Tips for Having a Good Basketball Practice

Bring positive energy to every practice and have fun: The coach sets the tone for the group. Basketball should be shown in a good light by youth coaches. Even if some of your students are less talented or athletic than the rest, strive to maintain a good school climate. Avoid becoming the cause of why a child drops out of school!

Do not point out every mistake: The goal of coaching is to help kids succeed, but sometimes we must stand aside and allow them to make errors to learn from their experiences. Mistakes will inevitably be made. Making them rectify their own errors will increase their self-confidence and is a more practical approach than interrupting practice whenever one of your players commits a misstep.

Emphasize your coaching philosophy values often: Athletes can pick up on what you highlight in practice. It is the coach’s responsibility to call out when a player’s actions coincide with your concept. Because of your philosophy’s ability to transfer off the court, you’re also educating people in a more general way. It’s OK if you’re still building your coaching philosophy.

Focus on the fundamentals: Every drill doesn’t have to be a multi-tasking display that requires players to simultaneously work on a variety of talents. Keep things simple and focus on the basics. Small things like the perfect ball fake or a reverse pivot should be taught. For sports, the basics become more critical as children become older.

Always reward hustle: When a player makes a terrific hustle play, let him know about it. During practice, coaches should pay attention to the smallest things and appreciate athletes who go above and beyond. Show your appreciation for an athletic move like a player diving for a stray ball on the floor. The minor elements divide teams for playing a game. Even in a tight game, a hustling play that gives them an additional chance to score may significantly affect them. Regardless of the outcome, you should always praise effort and hustling at the young level. My team’s most gifted player will take a backseat to the one who puts in the most effort in the gym. Many times, the most talented young athletes are passed over in favor of the more dedicated ones.


Every basketball practice should have a simple goal in mind, and we hope this article has helped you do that. As a coach, you’ll be a better one when you have a well-planned catch and shoot basketball practice session.

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