Internet Security

What You Should Know about Internet Security


Internet security is now a major concern for every internet user. Whether we are browsing over our home internet connection or utilizing office and free Wi-Fi at public spots, what we want to make sure of is the safety of our data. That’s the reason many internet service providers in the United States are offering deals equipped with sound internet security such as CenturyLink Internet Deals.

However, cybersecurity, or in general the security of your internet connection is an unavoidable factor. Especially if you are well aware of the cybercrimes and other illegal activities hackers are widely practicing worldwide, you would never even think to overlook it. Therefore, we have designed a comprehensive guide for you covering every piece of information you should know while developing a highly protected and safe online network.

So let’s dive into the topic!

List of Five Common Threats to Your Internet Security

It is imperative to have adequate knowledge of the potential threats to your internet security, as this knowledge will help you in deciding which measure you need to take to ensure the security and privacy of your internet network. We have listed down the five most common types of threats that can have a drastic impact on your internet security.

Let’s check them out!

Internet Security Threat #01 – Phishing

It is a type of threat involving the masquerading of emails. In such cyber-attacks, the hackers or intruders trick you by making you believe that the email you have received is from an authentic source. The objective behind this is to trick you into providing the hackers with all your personal information as well as downloading malware or viruses.

Internet Security Threat #02 – Remote Access and Hacking

Another type of cyberattack you may encounter is the theft of data and confidential information by hackers. Remote access is the type of cyberattack where a hacker or intruder can get access to your personal information or data. The software for remote access provides an intruder sound opportunity to reach out to your system remotely and take its control.

RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) is the protocol hackers use to access and take control of your system without even touching it. As we know that various organizations are using RDP to allow their employees to do remote jobs, and it provides massive space for hackers to get access to the computers.

Internet Security Threat #03 – Malvertisingand Malware

Malware is a term that refers to broad categories of harmful programs, viruses, trojans, and worms – it is a combo of software and malicious. Malware helps intruders or hackers to steal personal information and produce havoc.

You can consider any software that harms your system, network, or server as malware. Whereas, malvertising can be defined as featuring fake, misleading ads that direct the users to malicious/spam links, and spread malware across different systems.

A malvertiser places malicious codes somewhere that no network or publisher can detect easily. So, if you click on such an ad, the malware would easily download into your system or else would land you on some malicious websites. Therefore, it would make it a bit easier for malware to access your system.

Internet Security Threat #04 – Ransomware

You must have heard about kidnapping for ransom. This cyberattack is of the same kind that demands you to pay ransom for releasing the system the intruder has accessed and controlled. Trojan is the key distributor of ransomware which is malware that camouflages itself into legitimate software.

If you for any reason install such software, the trojan will take no time to get control of your system and specific data files. The only way to get rid of the hacker is to pay the demanded ransom. The most famous variants of ransomware are Golden Eye, Wanna Cry, Bad Rabbit, Maze, Locky, Conti, and Jigsaw.

Internet Security Threat #05 – Botnets

Botnet is a combination of two words – robot and network. It refers to the network of your computer that a hacker has infected via malware. In this type of cyberattack, the botnet can complete designated tasks automatically over the internet without seeking your permission. Interestingly, a botnet does not disclose its existence in your system.

Once your system is captivated by the botnet, it can be utilized for various malicious activities such as creating fake traffic for websites to generate more income, sending spam emails to other internet users, committing identity theft and fraud, and more.

Internet Security Threats while using Public and In-Home Wi-Fi

Publicly accessible internet or you can say free Wi-Fi connectivity available at cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, and hospitals, or else are at great risk of cyberattacks. Usually, the internet service at such public places lacks a sound internet security suite. However, there are some top-notch internet service providers in the country such as CenturyLink, offering advanced security suites.

We recommend you avoid accessing public Wi-Fi if possible, as it allows online intruders and cybercriminals to monitor your online activities, and steal sensitive data such as personal information, credit card info, and passwords. Generally, the threats to using public Wi-Fi include packet sniffing, rogue Wi-Fi networks, and others.

Measures to Establish Strong Internet Security 

After acquiring enough information about cybersecurity and potential threats, it’s time for you to learn what initiative you should take to protect your online data, system, and network.

Enable MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication)

It is a commonly used and simple method to protect your data. All you need is to provide 2+ verification methods to reach your online accounts. You must have seen the same authentication method used by Google when you try to access your Gmail through other devices.The app asks you to authenticate your account by inserting the OTP (One-Time Password) it has sent over your email address or phone.

Install Firewall in Your System

You can create a barrier for intruders or hackers by installing a firewall in your system. It will work as a strong boundary between your system and another network to block access of unwanted traffic, malicious software, or virus to your computer. Usually, the security system and operating system already have a firewall. Simply turn the feature on so the firewall can easily be configured in your system.

Create Strong Passwords

Lastly, you need to set strong passwords for all your online accounts. For this, you can also use secure password manager. This trick will assist you in creating and maintaining robust internet security for your network, system, or computer. Ideally, a strong password should contain at least 12+ characters with a combination of upper and lower-case letters,numbers, and symbols.

Make sure you don’t add sequential order for numbers and avoid obvious information, such as the name of your pet, your DOB, or else because such things are easiest to guess for all.

In a Nutshell

If you don’t want to put yourself into any trouble or are not in the mood to go through a lengthy process for securing your internet, it is better to go for an ISP where you can get a complete solution. Various internet plans contain the feature of internet security such as CenturyLink Internet Plans. You can search out such internet plans in your area to get the perfect fit for internet security.

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